Biyernes, Agosto 31, 2012

How to be an ideal student

An ideal student decides that he needs expertise in a particular field.
He decides to give it all hes got, if he needs it that badly. He decides to obtain the learning from an institution or a teacher. He selects the institution/teacher, the best of all available choices. He decides to follow the teacher till he learns to a level of competence, decided by himself and his teacher. 
He forms an agreement in principle, that he will follow the ethics of the Teacher student   relationship.

In his or own right all students want to perform well and achieve success. They want to achieve their ideals. Their aspirations are not misplaced, but it must not become an obsession. They must know their capabilities and must aspire for only that much.
An ideal student can be described as one who is always successful in all his ventures, never makes mistakes and hardly encounters failures. He also possesses all virtues and is a multifaceted personality. To achieve such ideals is to achieve perfection and therefore impossible as, such a student would be perfection personified and hence non-existent. Everybody faces ups and downs in life and each and every person has his own strengths and weaknesses. So, in pursuit of perfection one is likely to go into depression or face frustration. Hence, the wise thing to do under the circumstances is only trying to get close to perfection. A wise student would do well to recognize his strengths, talents and work on them to achieve success. He can go about this in an organized manner, by disciplining his life style. Firstly, a student should develop a strong will power, which will help him to resist temptations and build his concentration. This in turn will increase his comprehending capacity and in the process help him develop a logical mind. A student who is able to analyze and think logically will be able to overcome many hurdles which he may face and thus will achieve success.

15 Good Qualities Of An Ideal Student

1. An ideal student should maintain the rules of health and performs his religious activities.
2. He has to be social and hard-working.
3. He should love his country.
4. He actively takes part in games and sports and other extra-curricular activities.
5. He should have the interest in doing social work.
6. An ideal student makes proper use of his time and never shirks his duties.
7. He should be obedient to the existing rules and regulation of the country.
8. He should devote himself fully to gain knowledge.
9. To be an ideal student, he should cultivate all the virtues and hold values in him.
10. An ideal student fixes up a noble aim.
11. He should give topmost priority in molding his character.
12. He should lead a strictly disciplined life and never indulges in evil thoughts.
13. To be an ideal student, he should spends highest amount of time in the acquisition of knowledge because he should know that knowledge is the gateway of success.
14. An ideal student must not dabble in politics which is responsible for most of the ills of the youth nowadays. He should bear in mind that student life is the time of preparation for struggle in life.
15. An ideal should be sincere, truthful, dutiful, energetic, neat and clean.

Sabado, Hulyo 21, 2012

What is an ideal Teacher should be?

Teacher is our second parent. He/she is the one who teach and guide us in what we are doing. Teacher is the one who motivates and facilitate.

An ideal teacher should be fair, knowledgeable, organized, patient, and sociable. A teacher is a problem solver, understands student feelings, a good guide, a motivator and an idol for students. An ideal teacher teaches for a lifetime.

An ideal teacher is a true builder of the nation. He is fearless, sincere and earnest in the discharge of his duties towards the students and the nation as a whole. An ideal teacher is considered as an object of admiration and devotion for the students. These days, students do not like to study from harsh and unsympathetic teachers. An ideal teacher creates such a confidence in his students that they are always ready to sacrifice for the cause of their teacher.
As a future educator I should be fair to my students and think wise decisions, to avoid conflict with my students. This can't be an easy job cause you need not only twice but thrice to think before you decide. Being a teacher is a big responsibility, it is in your hands the future of the students.

Sabado, Hulyo 14, 2012

about my topic

The topic or the specialization that I will be post/discuss in my blog is about "Agricultural Arts". In this field I will discuss the different subtitles about the agriculture, this topic is very interesting to do and learn. You will learn how to rise and cultivate a crop, how to rise animals and other related topics about the agriculture.

Agriculture is a broad topic to be discuss, there are things need to be understand and it need a wider understanding. One thing that I can assure you is that you will learn a lot about this field and be able to understand things about this. I'll give you some information about agriculture:

Agriculture also called farming or husbandry is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel and other products used to sustain life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science. Agriculture generally speaking refers to human activities, although it is also observed in certain species of ant and termite.

That are some examples that I will discuss/post in my blog. I hope that you will enjoy to read and learn from it. THANK YOU!!!

Martes, Marso 20, 2012



Audio equipment principles

    Sound reproduced by audio equipment is most satisfactory when it closely resembles the original performance. The quality of sound reproduction is affected by the type and quality of equipment selected and by the operator’s skill in using the equipment.


Characteristics of the original sound
Environment conditions in recording and playback
The capability of the recording medium to capture all the frequencies of the original sound
The capability of the playback system to reproduce program material in full frequency and without distortion
The ability of the operator to manipulate the equipment

Controls on sound equipment

    - this may be a separate switch, or it may be combined with the volume or tone control.
    - stereo equipment has a volume control for each channel or a balancing control to adjust volume between left and right speaker channels.
    - if only one tone control is provided, it usually serves to eliminate high frequencies. If two controls are provided, one regulates the bass, the other the treble tones.

Speaker placement
    General suggestions will be helpful:

Place speakers at about the ear level of listeners
When using one speaker in a long room, set the speaker off center at the front of the room and direct it diagonally across the listening area
If a speaker is enclosed in the case of a record player or tape recorder, the same rules for speaker placement will apply
If two speakers are used, more them apart, facing the audience, until the sound seems to come from between them. Check from several positions in the listening area for dead spots or interference and readjust speaker positions if necessary


Unidirectional microphones
Bidirectional microphones
Omnidirectional microphones
Microphones for cassette recorders
Lavalier and lapel microphones
Wireless microphones

Microphone placement

A microphone placed close to the performer will not pick up many sounds reflected from surfaces in a room. However, while an intimate feeling can be created by recording close to the microphone, the effect of “room presence” may be lost and an unnatural voice quality may result. Always test and retest to determine the best placement of the microphone with reference to performers.

Record players

Stylus required:
Microgroove (monophonic)

Generalized record player

In the accompanying drawing, principal parts of a typical school record player are identified. Basic controls and features permit the machine to be used for a variety of types of records.